
Printing: Linux Brother Printer and the DIN A4 Problem

Sven Bachmann
Most of you know it already… if you set your (Brother) printer under CUPS to DIN A4 it will only print with the Letter-margins. But now there is a solution available. Thanks to the German Ubuntu-Wiki. .notice{padding:18px;line-height:24px;margin-bottom:24px;border-radius:4px;color:#444;background:#e7f2fa}.notice p:last-child{margin-bottom:0}.notice-title{margin:-18px -18px 12px;padding:4px 18px;border-radius:4px 4px 0 0;font-weight:700;color:#fff;background:#6ab0de}.notice.warning .notice-title{background:rgba(217,83,79,.9)}.notice.warning{background:#fae2e2} .notice-title{background:#f0b37e}{background:#fff2db}.notice.note .notice-title{background:#6ab0de}.notice.note{background:#e7f2fA}.notice.tip .notice-title{background:rgba(92,184,92,.8)}.notice.tip{background:#e6f9e6}.icon-notice{display:inline-flex;align-self:center;margin-right:8px}.icon-notice img,.icon-notice svg{height:1em;width:1em;fill:currentColor}.icon-notice img,.icon-notice.baseline svg{top:0.125em;position:relative} Anmerkung Update: The DCP-135c doesn’t do borderless very well, so just use “DIN A4”. Update 2: Fixed typo in sed-command: PaperType was replaced with PageType.

DCP-110C and DCP-135C with Ubuntu Hardy

Sven Bachmann
Hi there, long time ago I wrote an article how to make the DCP-110C running under Ubuntu Feisty. One commenter wrote me, that he got it also to run with Gutsy and Hardy. Now the time has come and some things are easier :) Since Hardy (I think) the cups-packages for the DCPs are now included in the package repository. You have to enable the multiverse repo to get it.