Reenable printing in Gutsy with cups and appamor

Sven Bachmann
Hi, after upgrading to Gutsy my Samsung SCX-4200 printer didn’t work anymore. First I thought the driver was the problem - but it wasn’t. Blame it on appamor, this tool has some strange security rules for cups. At the moment a workaround is to disable blocking and only enable a warning: sudo aa-complain /usr/sbin/cupsd Bye, Sven

audio library with ubuntu

Sven Bachmann
Hi there outside :-) To make it comfortable to have music everywhere around me I played around with daap. So to set up an audio server with ubuntu, just enter: apt-get install mt-daapd Then enter the /etc/mt-daapd.conf and make it fit your needs (adjust the audio directory and so on…). Because I wanted to hear my music also far away, it was necessary to do some tricks: open the daap port in your firewall, because rhythmbox doesn’t play local daap shares so ssh tunnel does not work tell your local avahi dealer that there is another share outside Step 2 is a bit longer…

swap two integer variables

Sven Bachmann
Hi there, while learning for my “Applied Computer Science” test with algorithms and data structures I found some funny thing :-) Changing the content of two variables is mostly done by a temporary variable. Stand back (in memory of xkcd’s regex comic) - this is not necessary anymore. Wikipedia shows us this: So just do a: x ^= y; y ^= x; x ^= y; (Also worth reading: http://prabhagovind.

Tool of the week: photorec

Sven Bachmann
Hi, today I’ve encountered a real problem: my granny formatted her sd-card with all the photos of their holidays. As Linux User I don’t wanted to boot Windows, but every result for photo recovery in Google pointed to free win tools… than I found some hint that “The Sleuth Kit” could be a helpfull tool. But I just found the 3 photos that were made after the format. Just before giving up, I tried apt-cache search photo recovery and it showed me only one result: testdisk.
Maxtor 3200 USB - 400GB

Maxtor 3200 USB - 400GB

Sven Bachmann
Hi, I bought myself a Maxtor 3200 USB Harddisk with 400GB to replace a broken harddisk from my server with it an put a smaller HD in the Maxtor case. So here are some pictures how it looks when its open (was a bit tricky). The tricky part were the nipples which you can see on the following 2 pics: What me really shocked, was that inside the Maxtor case was a Seagate harddisk (thats the brand I wanted to avoid buying, because the harddisk that died in the server is a Seagate and for about 1 year another Seagate died):

Ubuntu disable hisax when using avm capi

Sven Bachmann
Hi, to disable the loading of the hisax isdn module when using the avm capi module create the file blacklist-hisax in the directory /etc/modprobe.d with the following content: blacklist hisax blacklist hisax_fcpcipnp blacklist hisax_isac Bye, Sven

Brother DCP 110C with Ubuntu Linux

Sven Bachmann
Hi, to get the Brother DCP 110C to work with Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) you’ll need the following files from the Brother website: -> Select the “DCP 110C” from the Debian column and download it to your harddisk. -> Select again the “DCP 110C” from the Debian column (this time it is the cupswrapper, the other one was the lpr driver) and download it. http://solutions.

Programmausgabe als temporäre Datei

Sven Bachmann
Hallo, durch einen Arbeitskollegen wurde ich auf den folgenden Bash-Trick hingewiesen: vi <(ls) Dies geht auch mit mehreren Ausgaben (wo es aufgrund des Highlighting sehr sinnvoll sein kann): vimdiff <(ls /verz1) <(ls /verz2)

Friendly Intruder :-)

Sven Bachmann
Hi, Szenario: PC hinter Firewall soll von aussen per SSH zugänglich sein, lokaler Zugriff auf diesen PC ist jedoch möglich. Lösung: PC hinter Firewall öffnet einen Tunnel von seinem lokalen Port 22 auf den Port 2022 des PCs ausserhalb, von dem dann zugegriffen werden soll. ssh -R 2022:localhost:22 user@box.domain.ending

Zeitpunkt für Zeitumstellung unter Linux

Sven Bachmann
Hi, um zu erfahren wann im Linux von Sommer auf Winter Zeit und umgekehrt umgestellt wird kann man den folgenden Befehl nutzen: zdump -v /etc/localtime | grep 2007